Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Behind the Scenes at Michigan Entrepreneur TV!

Here are some pics taken behind-the-scenes from Tammé's interview at Michigan Entrepreneur TV.

Here's Tammé in the prep room, watching the previous interviewee:

One of the technicians working the board in the sound room:

A view of the set from the sound room:

A close-up of Tammé and Tara on set:

Want more info on Michigan Entrepreneur TV? Check it out at http://www.michiganentrepreneurtv.com/!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Interview with Tammé

We hope you received our January newsletter and bookmarked our blog! As mentioned in the newsletter, Tammé had the chance to share her wit and wisdom in an interview with Tara Kachaturoff, the host of Michigan Entrepreneur.

Check out channel 15 if you're from the Bloomfield Hills or Bloomfield Township area, or channel 18 if you hail from Birmingham, Beverly Hills, or Franklin. The interview will be on this Thursday the 24th at 6:30 pm.

Come back to our blog later this week to catch a couple behind-the-scene pics!


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

What's Your New Year's Resolution?

It's almost cliché to talk about New Year's resolutions in January, but most people make them anyway. I've got my personal resolutions (I think losing weight has been at the top for about 5 years now), and my professional resolutions as well. But all the determination in the world will do no good if I have no process for acheiving it. If I don't monitor my calorie intake and have an exercise plan, nothing will become of my so-called 'resolution'. Being vague doesn't help either (how can one achieve 'being healthy'? What does that mean?).

My top 3 personal goals and resolutions for 2008:
1) Pay off current debt
2) Buy a treadmill and use it 3x per week
3) Go on a mission trip to Costa Rica with my church

A great website that shows popular goals is http://www.mygoals.com/about/pressRelease014.html#HF. It also provides templates for most common goals that some may have.

Tell us what your resolutions are! And more importantly, how you plan to achieve them!
